What's Included With My Registration?
Here's your quick and easy guide to the amenities included in the price of registration. We're constantly working to improve the experience for Big BAM riders, and that means adding new features. We're including a few things for our 2019 road ride and for BAM on the Katy '19 that we didn't have last year, so this guide is relevant for first-timers and BAM veterans alike.

Here's what we take care of:
Hot coffee each morning
Free snacks, sports drinks, and cold water in camp and along the route
Setting up water stops where you'll find the water, snacks, and sports drinks
Marking the route
SAG support (picking you up if you need a ride)
Minor repairs along the route and in camp
Moving your bags from one camp to the next safely & securely
Providing hot showers and towels in camp
Live entertainment each night in camp
Setting up secure charging stations
Making sure food & beer vendors are available in camp
Individual swag bags for each rider including a t-shirt, town guide, free beer vouchers, wristband, and Big BAM patch & sticker (plus the bag itself)
Here's what you can purchase for an extra cost:
Official Big BAM jerseys, socks, caps, etc.
Tent services or an on-site "motel room" from Pork Belly Ventures
For Big BAM on the Katy, shuttle services before & after the ride are available. For our summer ride, we're riding in a loop, so no shuttle will be necessary.
Questions? Email us at info@bigbamride.com. Reminder: "sorta" early bird pricing for our summer ride expires March 31!